I recently encountered an issue where vMotions on a host would fail, the host would disconnect from vCenter, and some other strange errors.
This was an HP host installed with the HP ISO image, but not sure if that is the cause of this issue.
When investigating the logs on the host I noticed that /var on the ramdisk was full
When issuing vdf -h available space for /var on the ramdisk was 0%
Looking in /var/log i noticed all logfiles where symlinks to /scratch except for the EMU directory, where some Emulex process seemed to fill up a log file …..
When removing the logfile /var/log/EMU/mili/mili2d.log and after restarting hostd, space was freed up on /var in the ramdisk, but the logfile /var/log/EMU/mili/mili2d.log returned and started filling up again.
Googeling I found a suggestion to remove the Emulex vibs when not using an Emulex HBA, but these hosts did have Emulex HBA’s
After some more research I found a fix that did not need a reboot or maintenance mode (which is great since vMotion stoped working on these hosts):